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2023-24 Student Handbook 

Procedures for Appeals and Complaints

The Green Man statue

大学的指导方针解释了如何就费用调整提出上诉 available online. Please read the acceptable reasons (dkti.nhfilmexpo.com/appeals) for which fee adjustments are made. If your situation meets the criteria outlined, complete the Appeal Form and submit to the Office of Enrollment and Student Achievement (ESA). Supporting 文件必须在提交后的五(5)个工作日内发送到欧空局办公室 submission of the appeal. The ESA office will provide a decision in writing via email to the appellant’s official 365bet email account. Decisions of the ESA office may be 以书面向收费调整上诉委员会提出上诉,该委员会各举行两次会议 fall and spring semester. The committee chairperson will provide a decision in writing via email to the appellant’s official 365bet email account. Appeals of adverse decisions 委员会作出的决定必须以书面形式提交给主管财务的助理副总裁 and Administration. A written decision of matters appealed to that office will be sent to the student’s official 365bet email account. This concludes the fee adjustment appeals process.

Deadlines for Fee Adjustment Appeals:

  • Fall Semester, Fall I FC and Fall II FC Terms: Feb. 15 of following year
  • Spring Semester, Spring I FC and Spring II FC Terms: Oct. 15 of same year
  • Maymester, Summer (Full), Summer I, Summer II and Summer III FC: Dec. 1 of same year

Appeals received after the stated deadlines will not be considered. For assistance, please contact Enrollment and Student Achievement at 931-221-6540.

任何申请人如不符合任何类别的入学要求,可 be asked to submit an Appeal for Further Review form to be considered by the University’s Committee on Admissions Standards (http://dkti.nhfilmexpo.com/governance/committees/AdmissionStandCom.php). For assistance, please contact the Office of Admissions at 931-221-7661.

因费用支付目的而被归类为州外的学生可以上诉 their residency classification by completing the Residency Application. New students 必须将填妥的表格和证明文件提交给招生办公室, 艾灵顿大厅,目前入学的学生必须提交他们的材料到 Offic of the Registrar, Ellington 316. All appeals must be submitted prior to the beginning of the term for which the appeal is filed. Applications for the current term will not be accepted if the term has already begun. Students wishing to further 可对招生办公室或教务处的决定提出上诉 联络注册主任办公室并提出申请 to be reviewed by the Residency Appeals Committee.

For assistance, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 931-221-7150.

交通罚款及传票可透过下列上诉表格提出上诉 on the 365bet Parking and Transportation website. For assistance, please contact the Parking and Transportation Department at 931-221-7275.

Residence hall and dining charges may be appealed using the Housing Appeals Form. The form must be printed, completed and submitted to the Housing Office located in Miller Hall. For assistance, please contact Housing, Residence Life and Dining Services at 931-221-7444.

大学的学生成绩申诉政策的目的是听取学生的不满 about the final grade awarded in a course or the method of evaluation. Students may appeal course grades in accordance with the Student Grade Appeal Policy, dkti.nhfilmexpo.com/policy. 一旦学位被贴在成绩单上,学业记录就被认为是完整的 and changes will not be made on grades earned prior to the posted degree.

Policy 2:040 details the procedure for appealing a grade. A student should first try to resolve the issue with the faculty member if possible. If this attempt is not agreeable, the 然后,学生应以书面形式向所在地区的系主任提出申诉 instructor is a member. The departmental assistant can provide information about the name of the department chair. If the situation is not resolved at this level, the student can then appeal to the dean of the college over that department. If the appeal 如果学生需要比院长走得更远,院长将把上诉转交给学生 Academic Grievance Committee (http://dkti.nhfilmexpo.com/governance/committees/studgrev.php). The dean will notify the student in writing of the final decision.

大学非学术申诉政策的目的是听取学生的意见。 对大学人员的行为和表现的不满和投诉 在非学术事务中,确定申诉或投诉的有效性和 to recommend resolution. See Policy 3:002 at dkti.nhfilmexpo.com/policy. For assistance, please contact the Student Affairs office at 931-221-7341.

学生事务处将考虑特殊情况退学,如果 criteria for the withdrawal is met. The criteria set is subject to change at the discretion of the Office of Student Affairs. All necessary paperwork related to the special circumstance withdrawal process should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs at studentaffairs@nhfilmexpo.com. 由于特殊情况,与某门课程有关的所有必要的文书工作 should be submitted to Enrollment and Student Achievement at sa@nhfilmexpo.com. 

由于紧急情况,可以请求某一特定课程的退学 and must be processed through the office of Enrollment and Student Achievement. This exigent drop could include courses that require physical activity that may be untenable because of health considerations. A special drop can be enacted for any courses that do not fully withdraw the student from the semester. As an example, if 学生需要从12个学时降至3个学时,特别降 is the applicable option. If the student needs to drop all currently attended courses, then a withdrawal is required.

Backdated Withdrawal
这种类型的提取是针对已经发生的需要特殊处理的事件 circumstance withdrawal from all classes at the University. Backdated withdrawals 只能在当前活动的学期生效-例如,如果在开始 本学期发生了下列特殊情况,无法出席 如果超过10个日历日,您就可以要求回溯日期提款.

Retroactive Withdrawal
这种类型的提取是针对已经发生的需要特殊处理的事件 在一个学期内从大学的所有课程中退课 currently active. Retroactive withdrawals are needed if the student has a special 使他们在上个学期不能上大学的情况. 例如,如果学生在秋季学期有符合条件的情况发生 在特殊情况下要求在春季学期退学,他们 must use the retroactive withdraw request.

Qualifying Factors related to a Drop or Withdrawal
特殊情况下放弃或退出需要正式的文件,特别是 注意学生在要求的退课时间内无法出席 or withdrawal. The following circumstances are currently considered:


  • Field training exercises
  • Military active deployment
  • Military deployment (training)
  • PCS orders
  • School training orders


  • Hospitalization
  • Immediate family member death
  • Immediate family emergency
  • 医生的声明,包括学生不能参加一个特定的 or prolonged time period
  • 辅导员或治疗师的声明,包括学生无法参加 a specific or prolonged time period


  • Police reports
  • Documentation that may support your request that is not listed above


Special Circumstance Withdrawal Request: email Student Affairs at studentaffairs@nhfilmexpo.com

Special Circumstance Drop Request: email Enrollment and Student Achievement at sa@nhfilmexpo.com

学生对涉及远程教育的消费者保护法的投诉 根据国家授权互惠的条款和条件提供的教育 Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution.

投诉人对该机构内部程序的结果不满意 在提出投诉的事件发生后两年内,可向 the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (http://www.tn.gov/thec/bureaus/student-aid-and-compliance/postsecondary-state-authorization/request-for-complaint-review.html).

在此过程中,投诉应被定义为 书面说明SARA条款或相关法律、标准或法规 by the SARA Policies and Standards have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA.

For a list of SARA member States, please visit the NC-SARA website (http://nc-sara.org/directory). 居住在非sara州的学生应该咨询他们各自的居住州 for further instruction for filing a complaint.

学生应该意识到,如果他们担心或抱怨他们的 program or their financial aid, this institution has a complaint procedure. (See Academic and Non-Academic Grievance Procedure contained herein.) To the extent possible, students 是否应透过机构的投诉程序寻求解决这些问题 before involving others. Under Tennessee’s open records law, all or parts of complaints will generally be available for review upon request from a member of the public. Complaints 有关欺诈、浪费或滥用的举报可以拨打田纳西州主计长热线 for Fraud, Waste and Abuse at 1-800-232-5454. Students or prospective students who 希望提出有关认证的投诉,可联系南方协会 of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学是由南方大学协会认证的 和学院委员会颁发副学士、学士、硕士学位 specialist, and doctoral degrees. Degree-granting institutions also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. 有关奥斯汀佩伊州立大学认证的问题可以直接询问 写信给南方大学和学校协会的大学委员会 地址:佐治亚州迪凯特南巷1866号,邮编:30033-4097,电话:(404)679-4500,或使用 information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org).