

“Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.”

- Wernher von Braun, rocket scientist.

Q: What is undergraduate research?

答:本科生研究是教师导师和本科生之间的合作 学生在原创性研究,学术活动,和/或创造性活动与 出版、展示、表演或展示成果或产品的目的.

Q: Why should I do research as an undergraduate?

答:本科研究是一个丰富的过程,你可以从中获得技能和学习 more about a subject interesting to you.  在那里 is no one reason for doing research; different students would tell you a myriad of answers.  去 Student Perspectives 听听其他365bet学生做本科研究项目的原因.

Q: I’m not a science major…can I still do research?

A: Absolutely!

关于研究的最大神话之一是它涉及到超级计算机和很多东西 of test tubes. 问题的真相是,研究是无限的,而且令人难以置信 自由. 人文和社会科学的教授支持本科生 research for years. 在那里 are also many interdisciplinary projects that transcend departments. 找到你想共事的老师,和他们谈谈你的 particular interests; they would love to help you.


A: Not necessarily.  有些学院只招收高年级学生,但不招收大一和大二学生 可以通过在实验室做志愿者和与其他学生交谈来探索他们的选择吗 involved in research.  Through this process, they develop the necessary skill set 然后在大三和大四的时候转到他们真正感兴趣的职位.  考虑一下你的日程安排,并在适当的时候参与本科生的研究 you’re ready.   

如果你有兴趣了解更多,请参加我们的社交活动 other students interested in research.  Click the 事件 选项卡 on the sidebar menu to see what’s on the calendar this semester.

Q: What if I have my own project in mind?

A:第一步是熟悉你感兴趣的领域. 你会 参加与你将来希望完成的项目相关的课程,从中受益. 这将向你介绍基本的材料和教授谁喜欢 the subject. 独自阅读,带着激情去追求你的项目.

其次,与教师交谈,找到可能与你有共同兴趣的人.  You need 确定一位愿意在你的项目中指导你的教员.  Perhaps your advisor can recommend a faculty member in that subject area.

第三,考虑申请成为总统研究学者.  365bet funds a number of independent undergraduate projects every year.  去 PRS Program to learn more. 

Q: How do I find out about research opportunities?

A: The most valuable resources are fellow students. If you ask a student researcher 他们是如何开始的,他们很可能会告诉你一个充满毅力的故事 on their part and often, a friend of a friend. Networking is a great tool that enables you to learn about the opportunities immediately available. Join student organizations 比如在你专业的社团里听听同学们在领导下做些什么 faculty members. 他们会更愿意分享他们的故事,关于他们如何 got involved.

你可以通过和你的教授交谈来找到研究机会. For example, you 可以从背景研究开始,这可能会导致你自己的项目. Sometimes 教授们会在课堂上宣布他们正在寻找学生来帮助他们 with a particular project.

最后,研究机会公布在我们的网站和不同的部门 offices. 我们的目标之一是将感兴趣的学生与项目联系起来 faculty.  去 the Help Wanted page to see some current openings.

Q: How do I find a faculty advisor for my project?

A: Just like finding a job, you must network to find an advisor.  Generally, professors that you’ve had in class are a great place to start. You may also consider asking other student researchers who are their faculty mentors.  You want to identify someone you can trust.

我们保留了一份有兴趣让本科生参与的教师名单 their research areas. 去 the Find a 教师 Mentor page to view this list.

一些学生在不断的指导下工作得很好,而另一些学生几乎没有指导.  了解你自己和你的动机会帮助你找到一个导师 you are comfor选项卡le.  Your faculty advisor has a commitment to help you learn and 他/她很可能在毕业后成为你的朋友和导师.

Q: How do I know which faculty are doing research?

A: Take the initiative and do your homework.

教师参与的工作每天都在变化. 在那里 is, usually, 一个主题和一个特定的利基,一个特定的教员将在其中工作.  You can start by visiting department websites. If you're interested in science consider visiting 通过生物、化学、地质或物理网站了解正在发生的事情 in the individual departments.  

Individual faculty webpages can also be a great starting point.  Try clicking on the 院系主页上的教职工名字通常会带你去他们的 personal website.  然而,偶尔也会有教师进行研究 interests that are not so obvious.  Be open to different types of projects and don’t 在要求预约与教员讨论研究时要害羞.

Network with fellow students; they can be your best resource when it comes to sharing what they find interesting about faculty. You may also get insight regarding who will best match your interests.

Q: Can I do a project outside of my major department?


奥斯丁·皮伊越来越重视,并且有机会去追求 and all interests. 花时间从事专业和院系以外的研究 is a great chance to explore and become a well-rounded student. Often, you’ll learn 在特定领域应用的技术和原则与你的相关 are studying. 跨学科学习是一个强大的工具,你将发展成为 a person and be useful long after you leave Austin Peay. 

Q: How can I get funding?

A: 去 the 资金 $$$ 选项卡,了解我们提供的资助机会.  You may want to consider applying to be Presidential Research Scholar (PRS) 或者一个 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF)

资金也可以从你的专业部门和/或外部资助.  Consult with your faculty ment或者一个bout these possibilities.


Q: How much time will a project take?

A: It depends.

当你最初考虑是否参与本科研究时, 你应该考虑你愿意做出的承诺的程度. Undergraduate 研究是你和你的导师之间的共同安排.

Some students work in excess of twenty hours per week; sometimes they are working towards a course credit. Students volunteering in a lab may work two to three hours per week. 这是你和指导老师必须做的决定. 在那里 不同程度的承诺是否符合你的时间表. You must simply 沟通你想学什么,并确保你能控制自己 time management.


A: Contact the OUR Graduate Assistant (Laura Zahn, our@nhfilmexpo.com, (931) 221-7625) to schedule an appointment.We would love to help you!

Need more help getting started? The Web Guide to Research for Undergraduates (WebGURU) 一个基于网络的互动式工具是用来帮助本科生克服障碍的吗 of an undergraduate research experience.  > Learn more




"I have really enjoyed my research experience. I have met a lot of faculty and staff 通过这个过程,我感受到了网络的支持. 我也 feel more confident and capable."

- Vanessa Cassidy