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Student Travel Awards

Students applying for funds must be:

  • currently enrolled at the time of application.
  • have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  • 没有受到大学纪律处分的记录(可直接提出申诉) to OSRI Director).
  • not be a faculty/staff member of the University.
  • 在上一个资助期内没有获得过学生旅行资助.
  • completes all the requirements listed under “General Guidelines” below.

旅游奖励将只资助两个资助期中的一个: 所有旅行请求必须在适当的截止日期前完成,才能得到考虑 是11月18日或1月30日(至少提前60天) of departure).

. 可提出有关注册、运输、 and lodging only. 在北美和加勒比地区旅行的最高额度为500美元. Other 国际旅行申请最高可获得1000美元. Any travel outside of the United States must comply with all 365bet policies on international travel. Approved funds will be reimbursed following 旅行后1)提交完整的旅行费用报销表并符合条件 receipts and 2) submission of the Post-Trip Survey. 不遵守指引或未提供适当收据的人士将会被罚款 not be reimbursed. 请注意,OSRI的旅行资金有限,对级别不做任何保证 of travel support. 并非所有奖项都符合最高资助资格和以前的旅行支持 should not be used as an indication of future travel support.

  • 被批准参加会议/会议来展示研究成果的学生 在注册期间发生的研究必须通知并发表在他们的工作中 at Austin Peay State University. Students must provide documentation of this notification.
  • Student travel funds 参加课程、学习项目、实地考察、工作或其他活动的旅行将不会获得奖励 部门旅行,工作安排或求职,任何类型的学费或支付 课堂/研讨会、个人兴趣或个人教育、宗教或政治发展; etc.  资金不能用于支付导致学分或其他的旅行 is required to complete the requirements for the degree.  Funds are for individual student travel, not for student organization travel.
  • 如果你要参加比赛或出席活动,你应该附上你的推荐信 接受你的旅行许可和证明费用. If acceptance is pending you can email the letter to osri@nhfilmexpo.com 在旅行前重新评估您的旅行支持或附上信 your documentation of expenses (preferred).
  • 申请人将通过电子邮件获得有关资助决定的信息.
  • 所有旅行请求必须在适当的截止日期前完成,才能得到考虑. (至少在预计出发日期前60天).
  • 里程费率按当前365bet费率每英里和距离偿还 be determined using this mileage calculator http://maps.randmcnally.com/mileage_calculator
  • Complete a Travel Authorization Form 包括旅行费用的证明文件,并由 you and your faculty sponsor or department chair. Your application WILL NOT be considered 申请资助,除非网上申请已完成 travel authorization form 包括签名,联系人姓名,电话号码和文件 showing proof of expenses, attached and emailed to osri.nhfilmexpo.com.
  • 所有资金必须使用在线申请表格申请.
  • 申请截止日期:11月19日(10 - 2月旅行)或1月28日(3 - 9月旅行)
  • 符合条件的费用:仅包括住宿、交通、注册和膳食费用.


Application Procedure Before Your Trip

在申请旅行补助金之前,请确保您符合资格标准. 请确保你遵守所有的指导方针,并确保你提交你的 documents in the correct format (pdf) 并确保您的文件在必要时由申请人双方签署 and their supervisor. 请确保在你来之前与你的主管进行有效的沟通 apply for travel grant. Please do not hesitate to contact OSRI for more information. All applications must be made at least 60 days prior to your intended departure date. Failure to this might lead to your application being disapproved for late submission.

Please follow the procedure below before your trip:


使用底部的申请表在线申请您的旅行申请 of this page. OSRI将向您发送关于收到您的申请的确认 并会为您创建一个文件,以备您的旅行所需 grant application.

Step 2:

在收到一封确认收到你的申请的电子邮件后. 请附上以下列出的所有旅行资助文件 in pdf. and email to osri@nhfilmexpo.com.

    1. Letter of Support (on departmental letter head),详细说明学生的姓名和旅行的预期收益.
    2. 一份由学生出具的旅行利益证明,注明姓名,号码,目的 对于旅行,地点和旅行时间也需要一个完整的 application. Please use this statement of benefit as a template.
    3. 提供房东批准旅行理由的文件          party.  
    4. A fully completed and signed by both student and supervisor Travel Authorization Form . 请务必在表格中填写联系人姓名和联系电话.
    5. A completed documentation of Expected Expenses form. 请把您预计的费用(伙食费、车费等)一起填写 已发生的费用和费用证明(收据、会议登记) receipts, etc.)
    6. Attach your documents and email your documents (in pdf) to osri@nhfilmexpo.com
    7. 提交完整的旅行支持文件后,您将收到一封电子邮件 确认您的文件已完成并准备好处理.
    8. 你的旅行申请结果将通过电子邮件通知你 批准的总金额,以及旅行前的旅行授权号码.


Please follow the procedure below after your trip.



Reimbursement Procedure After Your Trip


Please follow the procedure below after your trip:


Step 3:

1.回程后7天内填写旅行调查表. Failure to fill out the survey will lead to funds not being disbursed.

2) Contact and inform OSRI about your return from your trip.

我们会将您的报销情况通知有关部门 return.

4) Inform your supervisor about your return. Submit the Travel Expense Claim form together with all your other supporting documents 在返回后一周内寄给你所在部门的行政办公室 from your trip. All eligible receipts must be included with the claim form. Claim forms will not be accepted without the appropriate receipts. Failure to submit the claim form and post trip survey 在10天内,将没收所授予的资金.

5)在您的文件处理完成后,您将获得报销至 the amount awarded.

6)学生在收到奖学金确认之前发生的费用 are the responsibility of the student.

未能遵守资助指导方针或未提供适当资助的学生 documents and receipts will not be reimbursed.


Student Travel Award Application